the mouse and the stick man

awkwardly the mouse was eating cheese. the stick man yelled “eat faster okay now your finished”

“oh no enemies”  the mouse whispered lucky I have a bow and arrow oh they are friendly they have no place to stay at you can build another house out of mini sticks I made cupcakes for every one of you now the whole town is happy but are town is getting bigger and bigger and even the mouses had their own houses now they are Gowing on more and more adventures and they have got way more people into the town the end bye.

The Mouse and The Cheese

in a big hole there was a big mouse, he had plenty and plenty of food. he was in a hotel so if he went out of his house, he would get caught by the mouse Trapps. So, he won’t go out of his house. once in the middle of the night some other mouse came into my house, and he stole all of my food. Now I have no cheese left now I might have to go out of my cage now to get some cheese from the traps now I got some cheese now I’m happy the end.