The Mouse and The Cheese

in a big hole there was a big mouse, he had plenty and plenty of food. he was in a hotel so if he went out of his house, he would get caught by the mouse Trapps. So, he won’t go out of his house. once in the middle of the night some other mouse came into my house, and he stole all of my food. Now I have no cheese left now I might have to go out of my cage now to get some cheese from the traps now I got some cheese now I’m happy the end.

Direct Dialogue And The Two Brothers

In writing we have been learning to write direct dialogue so that it can increase our writing skills.

Here is an example of dialogue that I created for the silent movie “Ruckus”. “Ruckus” was about two brothers that were fighting over a gem.







Once there was to brothers named jeff and Jeffy

“Who’s going to get the gem. “Jeffy moaned.

“that’s my gem” Jeffy exclaimed.

“No that’s my gem” jeff shouted.

The verbs are in a different colour because we had to choose interesting verbs to make it more interesting.



every morning, we play the target number game.

I like it because sometimes I get 1 away way from it and sometimes, I get like around 10.

I find thinking of ways to work it out tricky.

I done 5x5x8=200



Thank you for reading my second blog post, please leave me a comment.



Draw all you can is where you have 3 cards the main one. The other card is a picture and then you get a patten card and you got to use different parts of it. Then you fill the rest of it in black.

It was fun coloring in black.

Thanks for reading.